Dear visitor, With this site we would like to assist and
provide you with information on hyperactive cranial nerve dysfunctions, the so
called neurovascular compressionssyndromes. The classic neurovascular
compressionsyndromes include ·
trigeminal neuralgia, ·
hemifacial spasm, ·
glossopharyngeal neuralgia. The principle of neurovascular
compression, as the most commun cause of these dysfunctions is explained.
Highly specialized surgical and conservative methods of treatment, like the
microvascular decompression, radiofrequency and stereotactic radiosurgery are
introduced. Furthermore you will have an
insight into our research activities on this subject. Here some of the actual
problems: ·
Etiologic relationship between arterial hypertension and
neurovascular compression of the ventrolateral medulla at the level of the
cranial nerves IX & X, ·
The role of microvascular decompression in the treatment
of severe resistant essential arteriel hypertension, ·
Development of modern methods of imaging and image
processing for the 3D-visualization of neurovascular relationships in this
region, ·
Intraoperative application of 3D-visualization. We appreciate to receive your
oppinion, questions and your suggestions. We hope our information are
beneficial for you and for further information please contact us under CONSULTATION or CONTACT. |